a painted door. an impulsive message scrawled on a sidewalk. a weirdo character lurking in a dark corner or high on a ledge. full-blown murals. a walk around san francisco is a feast for hungry eyeballs.

JUNE 23 :
a full 7-mile span this month. just waiting for something to hit that blank new door on balmy . . .

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009

june 23, 2009